Kitchen Rules


Trivia Question❓

What is the 'Two-Bounce Rule' in pickleball, and how does it affect the flow of the game?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Hey Pickleball Players!

Today in 5 minutes or less::

  1. Breaking Down Kitchen Play & Rules
  2. Joke of the Day & TIPS!
  3. Tennis Star's Transition To Pickleball
  4. Pickleball: The Antidote For Osteoporosis?
  5. Trivia Answer Revealed

🏓 Your US Pickleball Association Team


🎥 Featured Must-See Video To Get Better

🌟 Demystifying the Kitchen: A Deep Dive into Pickleball's Most Unique Rule 🌟

In the heart of pickleball lies a zone shrouded in mystery and misconceptions—the kitchen, or more formally, the non-volley zone.

This week's must-see video sheds light on the nuanced regulations surrounding this area, challenging long-held beliefs and opening up new strategic play options. 

🍳 Understanding the Kitchen

The kitchen measures 7 feet from the net on either side, a sacred ground where the game's most pivotal rules apply. Contrary to popular belief, players are allowed to enter the kitchen at any time during play.

The catch? You cannot volley (hit the ball out of the air) while standing in this zone. Here are the clarifications that might just change the way you play:

  • Stay as Long as You Like: There's no rule requiring immediate exit after making a shot from the kitchen, as long as the ball bounces first. 

  • Partner Presence: A player can legally return the ball while their partner is standing in the kitchen, debunking the myth that both players must avoid the zone at all costs.

  • Bounce and Hit: If the ball bounces in or even just outside the kitchen line, and you're already standing in the kitchen, you're free to hit it. This detail can significantly impact your strategy, especially in doubles play.

📚 A Brief History of the Kitchen

The kitchen's origins are as quirky as pickleball itself, named for a unique blend of humor and strategy. Initially designed to prevent players from dominating the net, the kitchen rules have evolved but always aimed to balance power with precision, making pickleball a game of strategy over strength.

🎓 Mastering Kitchen Play

Understanding and leveraging the kitchen rules can add a dynamic layer to your game. Here are a few tips:

  • Practice Patience: Use the kitchen to your advantage by waiting for the ball to bounce before making your move. This can set up strategic shots and force opponents into difficult positions.

  • Develop a Soft Game: The ability to execute dinks, or soft shots that arc over the net and land within the opponent's kitchen, is crucial. These shots are not about power but precision and control. Mastering the dink forces your opponents to move closer to the net, making them vulnerable to more aggressive follow-up shots from you. It's a tactic that requires finesse and can significantly shift the momentum in your favor by dictating the pace and style of the game.

  • Communication in Doubles: In doubles play, the kitchen becomes an even more critical area due to the increased potential for confusion and collision between partners. Effective communication is key. Clearly and continuously communicate with your partner about who will take the shot, your respective positions, and your planned shots. This coordination helps in creating seamless plays, defending your side of the court more efficiently, and exploiting opportunities to attack. By working as a cohesive unit, you and your partner can control the pace and flow of the game, making strategic plays that capitalize on both of your strengths.

  • Stay out of the kitchen, unless neccessary: Despite knowing you can be in the kitchen at essentially any time, except when hitting a volley in there, it is still generally not strategic nor recommended to spend unnecessary time in the kitchen.

🏆 Player's Insight

"Really understanding the kitchen rules changed my entire strategy. I'm now more confident in my positioning and less hesitant to step into the kitchen when the play calls for it." - Jordan B, USPA Member

The kitchen is not just a physical space on the pickleball court; it's a strategic battleground that, when navigated wisely, can lead to game-changing plays. 

Let's step into the kitchen with confidence and curiosity, transforming our game one smart play at a time. 


Why did the pickleball ball refuse to start the game?

It was tired of being hit around and wanted to 'serve' a purpose!


Stay light on your feet and stay on your toes to quickly react to your opponent's shots and move around the court with ease.

Be patient and wait for the ball to drop to a comfortable height before making your shot.

This will increase your control and accuracy.


Eugenie Bouchard's Pickleball Debut: A New Court Awaits

In the world of professional sports, transitions can be as thrilling as they are daunting.

Eugenie Bouchard, a name synonymous with tennis excellence, is venturing into such a transition, stepping onto the pickleball court with ambitions that mirror her tennis career's intensity. 

This shift comes more than a decade after her memorable match against Serena Williams, a moment that marked her rise in the tennis world.

Now, as she embarks on her pickleball journey, Bouchard is navigating a mix of excitement and anxiety, a feeling she's all too familiar with.

From Tennis Courts to Pickleball Zones

Bouchard's move to professional pickleball is not just a switch in sports; it's a leap into a rapidly growing community that contrasts sharply with the competitive isolation of professional tennis.

Despite her fears of being the "new kid" in a vastly different environment, Bouchard is determined to bring her competitive spirit and dedication to the pickleball arena.

Her debut at the PPA Masters event in Palm Springs, California, marks a significant moment, not just for Bouchard but for the sport of pickleball as it continues to attract athletes from diverse sporting backgrounds.

Training Transitions and Social Shifts

Transitioning from the expansive tennis racket to the more compact pickleball paddle, Bouchard has had to adjust her training and mindset. Surprisingly, the advice she received emphasized less on technical drills and more on the importance of playing—advice that speaks to pickleball's inherently social and inclusive nature. Unlike the high-pressure, solitary training sessions of professional tennis, pickleball encourages community and camaraderie, aspects that Bouchard finds both refreshing and nerve-wracking due to her self-confessed social anxiety.

A Path Paved with Ambition and Uncertainty

Bouchard's foray into pickleball doesn't mean a farewell to tennis. Balancing a PPA contract with her tennis aspirations presents a new set of challenges, including scheduling and adapting to the demands of both sports. Her goal for her pickleball debut is modest but clear: to not embarrass herself and to embrace the experience with an open heart and competitive spirit.

Inspiring a New Generation

Eugenie Bouchard's journey from a tennis prodigy to a pickleball newcomer is a testament to her relentless pursuit of growth and excellence.

As she prepares to navigate this new chapter, her story serves as an inspiration to athletes contemplating transitions, reminding them of the endless possibilities that lie in the willingness to embrace change.

For Bouchard, pickleball is not just another game; it's an opportunity to redefine her athletic journey, break new barriers, and contribute to the evolving narrative of sports in Canada and beyond.

As Bouchard steps onto the pickleball court, the sports world watches with bated breath, eager to see how this tennis star will adapt, compete, and possibly transform the pickleball landscape. It's a journey of discovery, not just for Bouchard but for the fans and fellow athletes who share her passion for competition and love for the game.


Treating Osteoporosis Through Pickleball

(Link to Full Article)

Pickleball, a sport beloved by many for its fun and social aspects, is proving to be more than just a leisure activity.

It's emerging as a beneficial exercise for individuals with osteoporosis, a condition causing bones to become porous and fragile.

The sport's low-impact nature makes it an ideal activity for strengthening bones, improving wrist strength, enhancing balance, and even slowing age-related bone loss, all of which are crucial for osteoporosis patients.

Regular participation in pickleball contributes to building bone density.

The moderate stress placed on bones during play stimulates bone growth.

This is particularly important since strong muscles, developed through activities like pickleball, indirectly support the formation of stronger bones.

Pickleball also plays a vital role in improving wrist strength.

Given that the wrist is a common fracture site in osteoporosis patients, the weight-bearing and flexing motions in pickleball are invaluable for enhancing wrist resilience and reducing fracture risks.

Another significant benefit of pickleball is its impact on balance.

The quick, multi-directional movements required in the game are excellent for muscle stimulation and balance improvement.

Maintaining balance is crucial for osteoporosis patients to prevent falls and subsequent fractures.

As a low-impact exercise, pickleball is adaptable for all skill levels, including those with health concerns like osteoporosis.

It offers a safe way to increase activity levels and fitness, particularly for older individuals or those unable to engage in high-impact sports.

This aspect is essential in maintaining a healthy weight, putting less stress on bones, and encouraging regular physical activity.

Lastly, pickleball can slow down age-related bone loss.

Bones are constantly regenerating, but this process slows with age.

Activities like pickleball can supplement medications by aiding in bone health maintenance, making it a valuable addition to the treatment regimen for osteoporosis.

This revelation about pickleball's health benefits, especially for osteoporosis patients, is a testament to the sport's incredible value. It's not just a game; it's a pathway to better health and quality of life, underscoring why the immense popularity of pickleball is a boon for the sport.


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💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

The 'Two-Bounce Rule' requires that the ball must bounce once on each side of the net before volleys are allowed during the first exchange of each point. This rule helps extend rallies and makes the game more accessible and strategic by forcing players to play at least one groundstroke.