Who covers the middle


Trivia Question❓

What is the minimum number of points a player must score to win a game of pickleball, and by what margin must they lead?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Hey Pickleball Players!

Today in 5 minutes or less::

  1. Who Covers The Middle In Doubles Explained
  2. Joke of the Day & TIPS!
  4. Studies find these mental and other benefits of Pickleball and Seniors!
  5. Trivia Answer Revealed

🏓 Your US Pickleball Association Team


🎥 Featured Must-See Video To Get Better

🌟 Mastering the Middle: The Key to Doubles Dominance! 🌟

Understanding the dynamics of doubles pickleball can significantly elevate your game, turning potential confusion into a strategic advantage.

Today, we dive deep into the critical aspect of covering the middle ground, a topic that often leads to missed opportunities and unforced errors on the court. Let's unravel the strategy that can make or break your doubles game.

🔍 The Strategy Unpacked

🔄 Diagonal Dominance: The player diagonal from the ball's origin is the maestro of the middle, ready to swing with either forehand or backhand. This position is strategic, offering the best angle to intercept and return balls that venture into this crucial zone.

📏 Downline Defense: The partner's role is to fortify the downline, guarding against shots that aim to bypass the net-front duo. This dual approach ensures comprehensive coverage, leaving no shot unchecked.

🚀 Why It Works

💡 Clarity and Coordination: Defining roles based on the ball's play eliminates hesitation, fostering a seamless flow of movement and decision-making between partners.

👥 Shift and Support: The principle of shifting towards the ball's origin encourages active engagement and supports a dynamic defense, ready to adapt to the game's fluid nature.

📈 Taking It to the Court

🛠 Practice Drills: Engage in drills that focus on rapid repositioning and role assumption, emphasizing communication and spatial awareness. Practice scenarios where you and your partner quickly decide who takes the middle based on the ball's direction.

🔄 Role Reversal: Experiment by switching roles to understand both perspectives, enhancing your adaptability and teamwork.

🗣 Player's Insight

"Mastering middle coverage transformed our doubles game. It eliminated confusion, allowing us to play more aggressively and confidently. Understanding when to take charge of the middle or cover the downline has been a game-changer." - Jamie R, USPA Member

In doubles pickleball, mastering the middle is more than a tactic; it's a symphony of coordination, communication, and agility. By applying these strategies, you not only strengthen your defense but also open up offensive opportunities, making every match a testament to teamwork and tactical prowess.

Embrace this wisdom from the court, and watch as your game reaches new heights. Here's to conquering the middle and beyond! 🏓


Why did the pickleball player bring a ladder to the court?

To reach that dill-icious overhead shot!


Remember to stay light on your feet and be ready to move quickly to react to your opponent's shots on the pickleball court!

Tilt your paddle slightly upwards when hitting the ball to create more topspin and control.


In the dynamic world of pickleball, 2023 has been a year showcasing incredible talent, strategy, and unforgettable moments on the court. The "Top 10 Pickleball Points of the Year 2023" video compilation serves as a thrilling testament to the sport's growth and the exceptional skill level of its players.

This selection features a mix of jaw-dropping slams, precise dropshots, ingenious trick shots, and rallies that kept fans on the edge of their seats. Each point underscores not just the athleticism required to compete at the highest levels but also the strategic depth pickleball offers.

Among the highlights, a standout moment includes a rally that seemed to defy the limits of human agility and precision. Players exchanged a series of fast-paced volleys, culminating in a slam that left the audience in awe.

Another memorable point featured a dropshot so deftly executed it seemed to float over the net before landing just inches within the opponent's court, illustrating the finesse and control at the elite level of play.

Trick shots also made their mark, showcasing players' creativity and flair. One such shot saw a player seemingly cornered and out of options, only to pull off a between-the-legs return that caught their opponent completely off guard, turning a defensive position into a winning play.

For those looking to improve their game, these top points offer several takeaways. First, the importance of footwork and positioning cannot be overstated. Being able to quickly move and adjust your stance is crucial for both offense and defense.

Secondly, mastering a variety of shots – from powerful slams to subtle dropshots – can make you unpredictable and more difficult to defend against.

Finally, mental resilience plays a key role in outlasting your opponent in long rallies and turning tight situations to your advantage.

This fast-growing sport, beloved for its lively pace and social nature, is proving to be more than just recreational fun—it's a boon for mental health. A recent survey by Carewell has illuminated the significant positive impact pickleball is having on the mental well-being of older adults, making it a sport that’s as good for the mind as it is for the body.

The Psychological Edge of Pickleball

With nearly 70% of older players reporting reduced stress and anxiety, and 64% finding the game uplifting, pickleball is showing its might in combating the mental health challenges that often accompany aging.

Beyond the physical exercise, which releases endorphins known to boost mood, the game brings a sense of community that's invaluable for emotional health.

Half of the surveyed seniors emphasized the community aspect of pickleball, noting how it brings a meaningful sense of belonging and connection.

Bridging Generations Through Play

Interestingly, pickleball also serves as a bridge between generations. Approximately 36% of younger players—Gen Z and Millennials—use the sport as a way to connect with older family members.

This cross-generational interaction is more than just play; it challenges the narrative of digital disconnection and underscores the unifying power of shared experiences.

Adaptability and Accessibility: The Heart of Pickleball’s Appeal

Pickleball's adaptability and accessibility are key factors in its appeal. The game's rules and court size make it approachable for seniors, offering a less strenuous alternative to tennis while still requiring strategic play and physical skill. This balance makes pickleball an ideal sport for seniors seeking to maintain physical activity, improve their cognitive function, and enhance their self-esteem—one in three seniors reported experiencing these benefits.

Pickleball: More Than a Game

Pickleball is not just a game; it's a catalyst for improving seniors' mental and physical health, fostering community, and bridging the generational gap. Its rapid rise in popularity, especially among seniors, is a testament to its numerous benefits. Whether it's the joy of competition, the camaraderie of new friendships, or the satisfaction of mastering a new skill, pickleball offers a unique and enriching experience for older adults.

In embracing pickleball, seniors are not only enhancing their own lives but are also contributing to a vibrant, intergenerational community where everyone is welcome. As pickleball courts continue to proliferate, they serve as arenas of joy, health, and connection, proving that it's never too late to pick up a paddle and join in the fun.


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💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

A player must score at least 11 points to win a game of pickleball and must lead by at least 2 points.